ARES Commander Relative Angles in Coordinate input

Relative angle 1.png

CAD software creates a geometry and calculate on basis of vector math, the stuff engineers learned during engineering degrees. Those matrix transformations that took hours to work through manually are these days calculated instantly by CAD.

User can now use the @ prefix to enter relative angles, just like user has already used for distances input. This unique ability simplifies significantly the coordinate input when user draws successive lines or polygon segments.

ARES Commander has provided a solution for the problem involved for a series of relative distances and relative angles, the kind of sketch surveyors produce every day. The figure below shows a typical example, where the relative angles are A1, A2, A3, and so on. They are relative, because they are measured relative to the last segment, and not to an absolute reference, such as North or the x axis. (Image from and from a blog by Mr. Ralph Grabowski)


A simple drawing in CAD to understand the same


Now the same drawing with dimension as noted in the field


How to create a line at desired angle w.r.t. previous line:


  1. Draw first line
  2. Use the following syntax

@” “Relative distance” “TAB” “@” “Relative angle

You need to press TAB key after specifying length. It will create a line with the specified LENGTH with Specified ANGLE. Angle will be calculated from positive X Axis for the first segment. Foe next segment it will be calculated w.r.t. previous segment. For example if we are creating the pentagon of each side 5 units and angle of 72 degrees (shown above) then following will be the syntax:


: @5TAB@72

  1. @ for relative distance input
  2. Distance input
  3. TAB key for shifting focus for angle input
  4. @ for relative angle input
  5. Angle input

Similarly, user can keep creating a line segment at specified angle w.r.t. last line segments.

The reason I like this feature:

  1. User can create a line of required length at required angle
  2. This feature is extremely useful for civil survey drawings.

See the video and learn more:

 Download ARES Commander today and experience it.

ARES Commander is a product from Graebert GmbH.  Graebert GmbH is a leading developer of custom CAD software, solutions and services and has over 30 years of technology expertise…

Disclaimer: I work as Program Manager for Graebert GmbH and occasionally write for CAD -Tips and Tricks.

I am working as Program Manager in a CAD software development company Graebert GmbH. I am a graduate Mechanical Engineer from Delhi College of Engineering, University of Delhi, India followed by double MBA in Operations and International Marketing. I am using CAD software since 1997. I occasionally write for CAD tips and tricks. I am AutoCAD and Fusion 360 certified professional.

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Posted in ARES, ARES Commander, ARES Commander 2017, Graebert, Graebert GmbH, Graebert India
3 comments on “ARES Commander Relative Angles in Coordinate input
  1. […] Read the full article on CADBlogbyAmitKumar here. […]


  2. […] Draw line at Relative Angles in Coordinate input […]


  3. […] Draw line at Relative Angles in Coordinate input […]


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